Yes we are on the move

As many of you have known and many more speculated the Bubblecar Museum is on the move! We have found bigger and better premises, still in Lincolnshire but with more room for camping, better rally field and facilities, larger caf�, and even with a bit of luck with an upstairs to the Museum itself. Its not on a trunk road and it has a rather excellent pub one mile from the site. We were prevented from expanding on this site and we have searched for a long time for something different, we want to display more cars and more related nostalgia items to show the cars in the best way. That’s the plan, the website will be updated with progress, new aquisitions and pictures, we will be happy to take rally bookings for 2011.

All rallies booked this year will be as usual although the Museum won’t be open. All other facilities as booked will be the same.